Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hugelkultur Fail

Inspired by Pinterest, I set out to try my hand at hugelkultur (hoogle google with an "H"!). Basically, hugelkultur is making raised beds with rotted wood.  Since most of our almost 3 acres here in Azle, Texas consists of heavily wooded forest, there was no shortage of material! So I decided to work with what was available. Which for all you permaculture people out there is principle #5 "Use And Value Renewable Resources"...or maybe it's #6 "Produce No Waste". Either way, I don't profess to be a permaculture professional of any kind, but a Mom with lots of creative ideas to scatter and a fancy for bringing forth life from the ground. Plus, I've always been a fan of the German language..and who wouldn't want to have something in their yard that allows them to frequently say "Hugelkultur"?

So I set out to build one of these little hills in the middle of what I dream will someday be my very own food forest. And here is what happened:

Perennial grass. (I'm pretty sure that's a nice way to say "death of a dream,by grass").  Trumpet vine also found my sexy German garden hill a wonderful place to do it's climbing. Frustrated...I walked away from the idea for at least half a year.

Inspired by a 68 degree January afternoon, I revisited my grass covered German fantasy hill in an attempt to see it with new eyes.  I've been doing some reading on lasagna gardens, so I thought, why not build a lasagna hugelkultur? It will be kind of like one of those Chinese/Mexican buffet's on Lancaster Avenue.  A multicultural stew of gardening savvy. So here is where I started this time:

I call it "hugellasagna".  A tasty blend of wavy noodles with german sausage inside. I will keep you updated on it's progress.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. ~ William E. Hickson